

Webserie 03: Maintaining Sexual Desire in Long Term Relationships

Have you ever asked yourself if it was normal to lose your sexual desire towards your partner after a certain time? Could you believe that it is even desirable for your relationships? Learn in this webseries how to get past this obstacle that can be a very delicate situation for many couples.

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10) Phases of Sexual Desire in a Couple

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The various stages and types of sexual desire in long term relationships

Which phase of sexual desire are you at?
Has your sex life gotten a bit dull?
How have you tried to maintain your sexual satisfaction?
Is your relationship based on self-respect?

11) Low sexual desire: A normal and desirable outcome

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Learn why a lack of sexual desire in your couple is normal but also desirable for your relationship

What are the issues in your couple?
What insatisfactions exist in your sex life?
Do you find yourself fantasizing, but not on your partner?
Do you still feel the sexual vibe with him or her?

12) Importance of intimacy for your sexual desire

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Intimacy is your capacity to be authentic and have integrity. Also a great source of sexual desire in long term relationships. 

Are you truly intimate with your partner?
Can you tolerate the discomfort of intimacy?
Would you be able to share your most intimate thoughts and fantasies with your partner?
Are you willing to admit to yourself and your partner that your sex life just isn't that satisfying?

Francois Renaud M.A.

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